- Excel export
- CSV export on most of the popular queries on the site. Save yourself time by being able to download the results in a file format accepted by most popular programs, including all versions of Excel and Access.
- Unlimited access to all downloads marked "Standard Class" as well as "Advanced Class"
- Email support
- CSV translation service - upload a CSV containing NPA and NXX, and get back a CSV with extra data, like company type, OCN, and Company name.
- Ability to search for arbitrary dates in the New Exchanges report
- File downloads that are intended more for things like marketing, such as mapping phone numbers to approximate zipcodes
- Downloadable copies of what we would like to think is one of the most complete listings of phone number to SMS Email address listings on the internet today. We can claim close to 98% coverage of cellphones within the US. (Though we have no way of telling you if the number is ported, so it doesn't work for ported numbers, but the majority aren't, so if you're on a budget, this is definitely the way to go!)
- FTP Downloading. No need to sign up, just use your username and password and FTP to ftp.telcodata.us and you're good to go! Automate away! (note, due to technical limitations your password must be all lowercase for this to work. Sorry!)
, there is no point to signing up if you don't intend to pay at least $15/mo with your Visa, MasterCard, or American Express (or you've made a significant site contribution and are entitled to a subsidized or free paid account).
, and wish to fund it now, log into it, there is an option on the login success page that links you to the payment center, you can fund that account rather than create a new one. If you've forgotten your password, please email a change request to [email protected] from the email address listed in the account. Thanks!