Information on: CBGRMEXARP0
State: | ME |
English Name: | N/A |
Switch Type: | N/A |
Host CLLI (if remote): | N/A |
Status: | N/A |
LATA: | N/A |
Exchanges Served: | N/A |
Building CLLI: | CBGRMEXA (See DSL Reports information on this wirecenter) |
Street Address: | 60 MI NW OF N ANSON COBURN GORE, ME |
Map: | No coords to map. |
Lat/Long: | N/A |
V/H Coord: | 3884, 1645 |
Tandem: | N/A |
SS7 Point Code: | N/A |
Served Exchanges: | N/A |
Served Rate Centers: | N/A |
Served Companies: | N/A |